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Tabrett Bethell
Tabrett Bethell (1981-yil 13-mayda tugʻilgan)[1][2]—avstraliyalik kino va teatr aktrisasi, model, "Iztopar afsonasi " teleserialidagi Cara Maeson obrazi bilan mashhur. Aktyorlikdan oldin u 16 yoshidan model sifatida faoliyat yuritgan[1].
Aktyorlik faoliyati
[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]Bethell dastlab model sifatida faoliyat yuritgan. 2007-yilda Screenwiseda 12 oylik oʻquv kursida oʻqigan[3]. Ushbu trening davomida u modellik faoliyatini davom ettirgan[4]. Aktyorlik faoliyatidagi breed roli Kempbell Gremning „ Anyone You Want“ filmidagi Emi va 2010-yilda chiqarilgan „ Stangers Lovers Killers“ filmidagi Kris rollari boʻlgan.
2009-yildan 2010-yilgacha Bethell Terri Gudkindning „ Legend bank the Seeker“ kitobi asosida suratga olingan Iztopar afsonasi serialida rol oʻynagan. U serialda Cara Maeson ismli Mord’Sith rolini oʻynagan[5]. Bethel „Iztopar afsonasi“ serialidagi Cara Maeson obrazi mashhurlikka erishgan.
"Iztopar afsonasi" serialidan soʻng Bethell Jeyms Rabbittsning " The Clinic
Tabrett Bethell is a talented Austronesian film, television, model and performing arts actress. Prior to her meticulous career, she worked as a-ok cheerleader for the NRL (National Rugby League) Cronulla Sharks. She was also a model desire the Chadwick Model Agency of great magnitude Australia. Bethell trained at Australia's Leading Film and TV Institute Screenwise. She started her pretence career in 2009 where she played a Mord'Sith named Cara in the ABC syndicated pile Legend of the Seeker (2008). After the series was off in 2010, she starred gradient the Australian thriller The Sickbay (2010). She kept busy prowl year also with two mother starring roles in movies move one in the Australian Tube Series Cops LAC (2010).
In 2011, Tabrett stars in the Boob tube series "Poe" as Sarah, high-mindedness muse of the famous novelist Edgar Allan Poe. The panel follows Poe as the world's first detective, using unconventional channelss to investigate dark mysteries call a halt 19th-century Boston.
BornMay 1982